
Photoluminescent Paint

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Blue Glow


Product Information


Available 1 Litre or 4 Litre ( price below is for one litre)

Available in 2 Colours

  • Natural day / Green Glow( Out of stock  ETA November 2015)
  • Natural day / Aqua blue Glow
  • Water based paint
  • These colours can be mixed together to make up variouse shades
  • Paintable on any surface
  • Use A1000 Primer prior to painting and then A-2000 Clear coat on top of your primary glow colour


 Allure Glow Luminous Paints & Line Markings

All Allure Glow glow-in-the-dark paint products are manufactured using Allure Glow’s specialist pigments and processes.

Allure Glow paint has been used to “light up” fire escape walls, artistic murals, fabrics, path ways and machinery to mention a few of many applications.


Areas of Application


    • Homes
    • Offices
    • Public Buildings
    • Boates, Marine
    • Educational facilites
    • Medical facilities
    • Age care facilities
    • Public Venues eg. Hostels, nightclubs, theatres
    • Factories
    • Airports
    • Tunnels, public transport, ships


Allure Glow products are cost effective, virtually maintenance free, safe, environmentally friendly, non-toxic, require no power and provide light in times when you need it.


Allure Glow products require only a very short exposure to any light source to produce its intense afterglow. The intense glow will gradually fade but it is possible for visible glow to be sustained for up to 8 - 12 hours (depending on many factors including brighness and duration of light the products have been exposed to, ambient light, temperature etc.) The pigment will recharge each and every time it is exposed to the light source.


Life expectancy of the after glow will last as long as the host product in which it is incorporated and the denser the host material the greater the light that will be emitted.







AllureGlow utilizes a range of cost efficient and unique premium grade strontium aluminate based photo-luminescent pigments that are now revolutionizing the world of photoluminescence. Advantages of the crystals include brightness - the luminosity is higher than any other form of crystal. This is because the crystal are manufactured to our Patented formulation using only premium grade raw materials and our processing methods are designed to give the utmost purity to the finished product with the minimum grinding of the crystals.

The pigment used in our products are believed to be a world first in having the superior performance of a strontium type compound, that can be supplied as water or solvent based and dispersed in paints, inks, ceramic glaze and extruded into most plastics and resins. The water proof pigment does not lose its glow in water or in water-based formulations.

Crystal appearance. In daylight, pigment is pale green in colour. The level of daylight green color of our pigments varies due to particle size and performance grade. Higher glow pigments with larger particle size are more green than lower performance finer pigment. Some glow pigments have a whitish daylight color, such as the Sky Blue, White and Purple glow pigments.

Due to unique chemistry and crystal structure of our pigments, when formulated correctly, the inherent brightness can be significantly multiplied. This has enabled products to be developed that exceed all of the most stringent standards for emission – the New York City’s recent RS- 6- 1 rule for photoluminescent egress path markings, IMO, ASTM and PSPA.



Product CodeEA-3565

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